
Mosquitos are known for causing all sorts of problems. They’re annoying, they can cause Dengue Fever and Zika Virus, and they are the reason that many people don’t like to spend time outdoors during the warmer months of the year. It isn’t any wonder why some...

Living in an older home is ideal for the person who enjoys a place with character. However, the character of an older home also includes the various pests that make the place their home too. Why do pests like older homes particularly and what exactly...

Pest-proofing your home in the summertime is a given but doing so in the winter shouldn’t be written off. When the weather gets colder, we aren’t the only ones who want to seek refuge from the cold. Not only that, but residential homes provide a...

When you talk about pests, you can’t avoid talking about rodents. Even though they’re small, mice and rats are formidable foes in the pest control world, and for good reason. They’re notorious for carrying disease and being a general threat to health. It doesn’t end...

Spiders are the apex predators of their world. They’re designed to hunt and take down their prey with ease. However, for anything much bigger than them, they rarely pose a threat. Spiders are one of the biggest allies to people, and pest control services. They...