
Fruit flies may be small, but they're a pain to have around your kitchen. They can be hard to get rid of and will multiply quickly. The good news is that even though they’re one of the most difficult insects to get rid of, the...

Have you been hearing that ticks are really bad this year? Or, have you been told to look out for ticks as they are becoming more of a problem? To prevent yourself from having a tick bite, it is important to know what these pests...

One ant in your home can easily turn into a thousand. Having an ant infestation is a horrible experience to go through, especially if you are someone who hates bugs. Knowing why ants would want to invade your home is the best way to prevent...

No one likes mosquitoes. They are the definition of a pest with them being everywhere in the night, biting you and leaving a ton of really itchy bumps. It sucks when those bumps are in unpleasant places. Some people are allergic to mosquitos, which makes...

There are few places in America more beautiful or fun than Texas. Living in the Lone Star State is something truly special, full of gorgeous views, wonderful locations, stunning weather, and incredible wildlife. Unfortunately, the truth is that living in Texas means sharing your space with...

One of the best things about summertime is the ability to go outside and spend time with your family and friends enjoying the warmth and relaxation of the warm sunshine. There are few things better than lounging out in the yard during a wonderful, relaxing,...

No one wants to share their home with someone who isn’t invited. While having unwanted house guests is bad, there is truly nothing worse than having bugs in your home. An infestation of any bug is bad news but some insects are worse than others. SIlverfish...