pests Tag

Bees are excellent pollinators. They flit from plant to plant, providing necessary pollen to each one for reproduction. Unfortunately, they also sting. If you have a yard with active use, it can be a pain to steer clear of bees when they are so close...

Stink bugs are tiny insects that wander around in most yards. When they are squished, the creatures emit a stinky scent that works to push away potential threats. While a few stink bugs might not be an issue, many of them can provide unique obstacles...

A mouse is one of the most widely-known pests in the world. Mice are the single most common rodent encountered as home pests due to their small size, prolific nature, and speed. Mice are small rodents varying between two to four inches in length. There are...

Bed bugs are one of the most well-known pests in the world, yet most people don’t seem to realize just how much of an issue these little insects can be. Bed bugs are notoriously prolific animals, with bed bug infestations capable of manifesting in any human-inhabited...

Have you been hearing that ticks are really bad this year? Or, have you been told to look out for ticks as they are becoming more of a problem? To prevent yourself from having a tick bite, it is important to know what these pests...

There are few places in America more beautiful or fun than Texas. Living in the Lone Star State is something truly special, full of gorgeous views, wonderful locations, stunning weather, and incredible wildlife. Unfortunately, the truth is that living in Texas means sharing your space with...

One of the best things about summertime is the ability to go outside and spend time with your family and friends enjoying the warmth and relaxation of the warm sunshine. There are few things better than lounging out in the yard during a wonderful, relaxing,...

No one wants to share their home with someone who isn’t invited. While having unwanted house guests is bad, there is truly nothing worse than having bugs in your home. An infestation of any bug is bad news but some insects are worse than others. SIlverfish...

While wood is an extremely useful and versatile material - burning wood keeps people warm, lumber creates paper for journals and textbooks - it can also be host to some serious pests. You can go from having a lovely dream home to an absolute nightmare...