What Kind of Bugs Come Out in The Fall?

Child playing in a pile of fall leaves, symbolizing the changing seasons when common bugs like boxelder bugs and ladybugs emerge.

What Kind of Bugs Come Out in The Fall?

As the leaves turn beautiful shades of red and orange and the weather gets cooler, you might start noticing more bugs around your home. Fall is a busy time for many insects, and understanding which bugs come out during this season can help you keep your home pest-free. Let’s explore what kinds of bugs you might see in the fall and what you can do to keep them away.

1. Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs are one of the most common fall pests. These bugs are black with orange or red markings on their backs. They like to find warm places to spend the colder months, so you might see them trying to sneak into your home. They often gather on sunny sides of buildings and can become a nuisance if they get inside.

2. Ladybugs

Ladybugs are friendly insects that are often seen as a sign of good luck. In the fall, they start searching for a warm place to hibernate. They might come into your home through small cracks or open windows. While ladybugs are not harmful, having a lot of them inside can be annoying.

3. Spiders

Spiders become more active in the fall as they search for food and shelter. You might see spiders making their way into your home or building their webs around your yard. Common spiders you might spot include the orb-weaver and the brown recluse. While most spiders are harmless, they can be unsettling to find inside your house.

4. Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are another pest that likes to come inside during the fall. These bugs are brown or green and have a distinctive smell when they’re disturbed, which is why they’re called stink bugs. They’re looking for warm places to spend the winter and might invade your home in large numbers.

5. Cluster Flies

Cluster flies are large, slow-moving flies that are often seen in the fall. They like to gather in groups and find warm places to rest. You might find them clustering in your attic or behind walls. While they don’t bite or sting, they can be a nuisance if they get inside.

How to Keep These Bugs Out

Here are some tips to help keep fall pests out of your home:

  • Seal Entry Points: Check for cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and foundations, and seal them up to prevent bugs from getting inside.
  • Keep Your Home Clean: Regularly clean your home to remove food crumbs and other items that might attract pests.
  • Use Screens: Make sure window and door screens are in good condition to keep bugs from flying in.
  • Remove Clutter: Keep your yard tidy and remove piles of leaves or other debris where bugs might like to hide.

Get Help from Dallas Pest Control Experts!

If you’re dealing with a lot of bugs this fall, don’t worry! Proctor Pest Control is here to help. We can inspect your home, identify any pest problems, and provide solutions to keep your home pest-free. Contact us today to make sure your home stays comfortable and bug-free all season long!